Industrial and production engineers conduct research and design, organize and oversee the construction, operation and maintenance of process plant and installations. They establish programs for the coordination of manufacturing activities; and assess cost effectiveness and safety.
Skill level:
Highly skilled
Salary Check
Check your pay
- A Manufacturing Engineer in Ontario in manufacturing with 4 years or less experience earned minimum $73.80 and maximum $89.50 per hour in 2020.
- A Manufacturing Engineer in Ontario in manufacturing with 4 years or less experience earned minimum $73.80 and maximum $89.50 per hour in 2020.
- A Manufacturing Engineer in Ontario in manufacturing with 4 years or less experience earned minimum $73.10 and maximum $88.60 per hour in 2020.
Job Responsibilities
- Studying functional statements, organizational charts and project information to determine functions and responsibilities of workers and work units and to identify areas of duplication
- Establishing work measurement programs and analysing work samples to develop standards for labour utilization
- Analysing workforce utilization, facility layout, operational data and production schedules and costs to determine optimum worker and equipment efficiencies
- Developing specifications for manufacture, and determining materials, equipment, piping, material flows, capacities and layout of plant and systems
- Organising and managing project labour and the delivery of materials, plant and equipment
- Establishing standards and policies for installation, modification, quality control, testing, inspection and maintenance according to engineering principles and safety regulations
- Inspecting plant to improve and maintain performance
- Directing the maintenance of plant buildings and equipment, and coordinating the requirements for new designs, surveys and maintenance schedules
- Advising management on new production methods, techniques and equipment
- Liaising with materials buying, storing and controlling departments to ensure a steady flow of supplies